We are an Independent Bible Believing Baptist Church located in Birmingham, AL. Whether you are a believer looking for a home church, or if you are an inquirer in search of salvation and forgiveness of sin, you are invited to join us in our services.
SUNDAY: 9:45am Sunday school | 11:00am Morning worship | 5:30pm prayer | 6:00pm evening worship
(205) 791-0312
join us for sunday school
Bro. Vernon Hanson teaches a verse by verse study of the Bible in one of our adult Sunday School classes. This class is in the fellowship hall and starts at 9:45 A.M. every Sunday.
Find out what's going on and join us for one of our upcoming events
We want you to know that we care! The question is, "Do you care?" Do you care where you and your family spend eternity? Here is the question to the bottom line in all religion: "Where would you spend eternity if you were to die as you are right now?" There is good news for all who do care about eternity. You can know for certain where you will go when you die, and you can know why.
The new Christian Series consists of ten lessons designed to ground the Christian in the Bible doctrines that apply directly to his or her salvation.
Gloryland Bible Institute
Gloryland Bible Institute offers 3 years of home correspondence courses taught by Bible teacher Vernon Hanson.
connect with us
PHONE(205) 791-0312
address1829 Circlewood Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35214 |